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471 from 1910
Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008
Dodge Magnum, 2005 - 2008
54RatingAverage car rating3.219% worse than average rating of competitors (4.0)Review number: 4
RecommendsYes 0% No 100%
Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008Dodge Magnum 2005 - 2008
It’s a large rear-wheel drive station wagon using the Chrysler LX platform it shares with the Chrysler 300 and Dodge Charger. Magnum is the largest station wagon in the US, indeed it is a version of the Chrysler 300 station wagon, but unlike the Chrysler 300, the Magnum has not become a major success for the company. The design of this car is unlike any other car on the market - a unique sloping rear end, aggressively steered wheel arches with large wheels - this car radiates power and danger. Owners love its style, driving pleasure, interior space and less fuel consumption. A few downsides are the weak 2.7-liter engine and the extremely luxurious interior. The Magnum represents the functionality and power provided by the smaller Dodge Charger with just the wagon body.
The Magnum was once the largest station wagon by U.S. automakers.
In 2005, Car and Drive magazine named Magnum among the top ten cars.
The Magnum was also used as a police car.
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Dodge car timeline
Type 1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s
  Compact NeonNeon   
  Mid-size StratusStratusAvenger  
  Large   Magnum   
  Coupe   Challenger 
  Crossover   Caliber  
  Mid-size SUV   Nitro  
  Large SUV  DurangoDurangoDurango
  Pickup RamRamRamRam
  Large MPV  Grand CaravanGrand CaravanGrand Caravan
  Sports car ViperViperViper Viper Viper  
1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s