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1351 from 1910
Peugeot 406 1995 - 2004
Peugeot 406, 1995 - 2004
569RatingAverage car rating4.04% better than average rating of competitors (3.9)Review number: 69
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Peugeot 406 1995 - 2004Peugeot 406 1995 - 2004Peugeot 406 1995 - 2004Peugeot 406 1995 - 2004Peugeot 406 1995 - 2004Peugeot 406 1995 - 2004
The Peugeot 406 is a mid-range family car made with sedan, station wagon and coupe bodies with petrol and diesel engines. The 406 replaced the Peugeot 405 model. The car used the same platform as the Citroen Xantia, but without the Citroen’s hydropneumatic suspension. The diesel 406 versions were very popular and became one of the most popular diesel-powered cars in Europe. The 406 was particularly successful in the United Kingdom, where it became 90% of the company's official cars. The car was also featured on movie screens, where it played a leading role in the French Taxi film series, and in 1998 starred in the action film Ronin with Robert de Niro and Jean Reno in the intense streets of Paris.
In 1996, the Peugeot 406 lost the European Car of the Year to the Fiat Bravo / Brava only. In the same year, the car was named Car of the Year by What Car ?, and in 1997 became Irish Car of the Year.
The car excelled on cinematic screens, starring in the French Taxi film series (Peugeot 407 in the first three and fourth), and in 1998 in the action film Ronin with Robert de Niro and Jean Reno in the intense streets of Paris.
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Peugeot car timeline
Type 1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s
  Mini   107108 
  Subcompact 205    
  Compact 306307308308308
  408 408
  Mid-size 405    
  Large 605607  
  Coupe  406 Coupe407 Coupe  
  Mini crossover    20082008
  Crossover    3008
  Large crossover    4008  
  Mid-size SUV   4007 5008
  Pickup    Landtrek
  Mini MPV   1007  
  MPV   5008  
  Large MPV 806807  
  Leisure activity vehicle  PartnerPartnerPartnerRifter
  Van BoxerBoxer  
1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s