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688 from 1910
Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022
Honda CR-V, 2016 - 2022
53RatingAverage car rating4.35% worse than average rating of competitors (4.5)Review number: 3
RecommendsYes 0% No 100%
Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022
The fifth generation Honda CR-V was introduced in 2016. The SUV features an updated design, a more spacious and versatile interior, and new engines and technologies. Although completely new, the car has hardly changed in terms of design. Not surprisingly, this is one of the best-selling cars in the Honda range. The simple and universally acceptable design tactics have proved their worth, so buyers of all ages and needs are willing to buy the car. The front of the car resembles the design of the smaller crossover HR-V, and the rear is fitted with new-shaped headlights - similar to what we see in popular Volvo SUVs. The interior has become more spacious due to the longer wheelbase, but we will not see any innovations here. The dashboard has remained almost the same, the designers did not bother to create more interesting solutions, but the materials are a bit more pleasant, more soft plastic is used. Whatever the improvements to the CR-V, the most important is the new diesel engine and gearbox. The new small 1.6-liter diesel unit develops 160 hp and 350 Nm of torque. 100 hp per liter engine is displaced by two turbines. Well, while the gearbox, unlike many modern automatic transmissions with eight or seven gears, this one has all nine. What does this affect? Of course, fuel economy, as the CR-V uses the ninth gear only at speeds above 120 km / h, in which case the engine speed is only 1600 rpm. What do you think of this car? Write your opinion in the comments box below.

Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022Honda CR-V 2016 - 2022
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