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614 from 1910
Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007
Ford Mondeo, 2000 - 2007
535RatingAverage car rating4.01% better than average rating of competitors (4.0)Review number: 35
RecommendsYes 0% No 100%
Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007Ford Mondeo 2000 - 2007
The new Mondeo has become bigger than its predecessor. While Ford didn’t apply its new design direction to this model (the Mondeo had to maintain a slightly more solid design), it still has some details similar to the Focus Mk1. Two of the old Mondeo’s biggest weaknesses - the not-so-spacious rear seats and the uncompetitive diesel versions - drew attention, resulting in a longer wheelbase and a new Duratorq diesel engine. The chassis and brakes were taken from an older model. Ford paid close attention to the interior, which lost its rounded shapes and became more rational in German, more perfect and, most importantly, of higher quality. Ford claimed it was an extremely safe car, but the Mk3 received a worse rating in EuroNCAP tests than most major competitors (Vectra, C5, Avensis, Laguna) - 4 stars. Still, the Mondeo was very popular, and in Britain it was the most popular model in its class.
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Ford car timeline
Type 1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s
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  Large pickup   Super DutySuper DutySuper Duty
  Mini MPV    B-MAX  
  MPV   Focus C-MAXC-MAX 
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   Tourneo / Transit CustomTourneo / Transit Custom
1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s