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581 from 1910
Ford Expedition 2007 - 2017Ford Expedition 2007 - 2017Ford Expedition 2007 - 2017Ford Expedition 2007 - 2017Ford Expedition 2007 - 2017Ford Expedition 2007 - 2017
The 2007 Expedition has been upgraded and uses a new T1 platform that is 10% stiffer than the previous model, and this model also has an independent rear-wheel suspension. The Expedition is also available with a hybrid version that has a 4.6-liter V8 engine. The car can offer endless space for cargo and passengers with many safety features such as the AdvanceTrac traction control or the RSC stability control system, which are standard. What the Expedition can't offer is of course fuel economy and ease of parking - it's a really great car. However, drivers note that the problem is not that great, as the SUV behaves quite well on the road and is maneuverable enough as a car of this size. The 2008 Expedition is manufactured with a standard 5.3-liter SOHC Triton V8 engine that has 300 hp and delivers good torque at low revs.
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Ford car timeline
Type 1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s
  Mini  KaKaKa 
  Sport Ka  
  Subcompact FiestaFiestaFiestaFiesta
  Compact Escort   
  Mid-size MondeoMondeoMondeoMondeo 
  Large Scorpio    
  Coupe ProbeCougar   
  Convertible   Thunderbird   
  Street Ka   
  Mini crossover    EcoSport 
  Crossover   EdgeEdge
    Explorer EV
  Large crossover   Flex  
   Mustang Mach-E
  Mid-size SUV   ExplorerExplorer
  Large SUV  Excursion   
  Pickup   F150F150F150F150
  Large pickup   Super DutySuper DutySuper Duty
  Mini MPV    B-MAX  
  MPV   Focus C-MAXC-MAX 
  Large MPV GalaxyGalaxyGalaxy  
  Sports car   GT  GT 
  Leisure activity vehicle   Tourneo / Transit ConnectTourneo / Transit ConnectTourneo / Transit Connect
   Tourneo / Transit CourierTourneo / Transit Courier
  Van  TransitTransitTransit
   Tourneo / Transit CustomTourneo / Transit Custom
1990 s2000 s2010 s2020 s